Feeling & Knowing

It’s not about feelings. When you are praying, working or relating with people, it’s not so much about the feel-good factor as it is about knowing that you are in the right place doing the right thing. Feelings are dynamic: but knowing is consistent. And if you develop a keen ‘ear’, you will learn to tell the difference between knowing and feeling. Here’s a short poll, I know I’ve been in all three places….. 🙂


1,2,3 Utterly Important Pointers for More Good Drama in Your Life

I’ve been away from this URL. Not because I purposely took time off from writing, but because other changes happened (mainly that work got exponentially busier). The learning curve is now steeper than ever.

I’m doing new stuff with new people and charting new territory. However, this is no excuse for slacking on the things I committed to doing beforehand. Which brings me to the lessons I’ve picked up during the past few months:

from mystuffspace.com

1) The secret is to create an environment around myself that challenges me to improve on a daily basis. Environment means places, things, media and most importantly people. Who are the people I have chosen to influence me and what are they influencing me to do/ think?

I think this is the single most important factor for short and long-term happiness in life. The people around me (and you) literally have a direct impact on my thoughts, actions and on what happens around me (they are also thinking, acting and producing results which I either use or am affected by).
2) I discovered that writing is my channel. When I write, my spirit finds new space to absorb more because it has emptied itself. Another secret to my happiness is that I must write often and honestly. Otherwise I will die on the inside.
3) When I speak, movement happens. The projects that have lingered on as ideas in my mind only started to move once I spoke about them (to fertile minds of course). After it leaves the mind through speaking or acting on it, the idea starts to gain its own momentum and requires less effort to keep it moving. In fact, it keeps you moving instead.
What’s your channel of expression? What is it that you feel if you didnt do you might as well not have lived? (I know that sounds dramatic, because it is).